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8 New Projects 410 Hours Worked 4 Finished Projects


I trust everyone had (or will have!) a spooky Halloween — we all dressed up in our costumes and James led us in a choreographed version of Gangnam Style. He knows all the words to every pop song, so he did a great impression (not to mention the killer moves).

In all seriousness, though, our growing team is meshing really well with each other, and not a week goes by where I’m not impressed by their work ethic and excellent communication skills.

What have we been working on, you ask? Here are a few previews, but remember you can always check our dribbble page for the most recent updates:


Team News

James, Matt and Tessa will be visiting Highgroove Studios in Atlanta from November 12 - 17 for some team training and collaboration. While we’re down there, The Phuse will be sponsoring the Hack Night, and James will be giving a tech talk on how designers and developers can unite in their work.

A new payment method

If you like working with us but hate going to the bank, your life just got easier. Last week we added Stripe credit card processing to our list of payment methods. (Note: we must, regrettably, add a 1.5% fee to all payments over $2,000.)

Words with Friends

Our growing team has been faithfully adding quality content to Circuits, so if you are lacking in reading material and like hearing about dev tricks and design techniques, check it out.

Matt wrote a new article on content strategy for UX Booth, too. It’s very practical.

For the most recent and up to date Phuse news, follow us on Twitter. Make sure to say hello!


Until next month—stay inspired, people!

The Phuse Team

    James, Matt, Jenna, Mitch, Tom, Jessica, Tessa, and Zander    
Follow on Twitter Add on Facebook Dunkin' on Dribbble

Email us directly by replying to this email (even if it’s just to say hi!)

If, however, you have grander plans (idea for a new project has been itching at your brain, perhaps?) I encourage you to go to this page and fill out our project questionnaire. It’s targeted to help you get a grasp on the scope of your project, it only takes a few minutes, and you just might learn something valuable in the process.